Well, here it goes .....


If you are viewing this post, I want to give you a huge THANK YOU! Thank you for your orders. Thank you for allowing us into your inbox. Thank you for liking us on Facebook. Thank you for your support!

With that being said, African Stretch Fabric was a big aspiration of mine, and I have learned alot in the few months that I have been on this ride with you guys. I’m so glad that you are loving the fabrics and sharing that with your friends, families and fellow fashionistas! 



When all of my current fabric is sold out, I will be closing up shop ( temporarily or permanently, I don’t know). I know, I know! It’s awful to hear that ( and really hard  for me to write), especially since I have just started on this journey. I would love  to continue to provide you guys with beautiful ankara stretch fabrics. However, after a LOT of consideration, I am taking this time to really focus on my clothing line. I’ve had some great opportunities come up and really want to put all of my energy into taking advantage of that. I am also in the process of opening my own- bite-sized boutique and must manage all that comes along with that.

I cannot express how bittersweet this is. I would love to be able to split my time equally between everything I love- my clothing line , and African Stretch Fabrics, but right now, it is proving to be a bit too much for me.

Here's where we are now :

  • I am waiting on 160 yards of fabric ( much of which has been already sold as pre-orders). 
  • If you are currently waiting on a previously placed pre-order, the fabrics are scheduled to be in around March 21st.
  • Our inventory levels are correct on the website, and you can still order there, until fabric runs out. 
  • If you found me on Etsy, you will see that I have now moved all listings to my official website. Because of the small inventory , I did not want to take the chance of accepting orders through Etsy, and the fabric not actually being available because of the disconnect between Etsy and my inventory tracker.

I hope you all can understand and I can't tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you.  Keep being amazing,  keep creating, and hopefully I can bring ASF back to life and back into your work rooms soon.

XOXO, guys.
